Saturday, September 27, 2008

Please contribute to our process seed bank!

The Process Seed Bank is a growing textual compendium of experience on alternative practices of collaborative academic and artistic experimentation which share some or all of the following dispositions:
-favour experiential models of emergent relation over transmission models of knowledge content or ends-oriented models of product delivery
-recognize creative practices in media other than language as carrying a conceptual force of innovation, and concept formation in language as a creative activity in its own right
-work to cross-germinate creative thought and processes across disciplinary boundaries, at a level of emergence
-consider that thought, as emergent, is indissolubly aesthetic, and the aesthetic already political
-strive to make an event of thought
-strive to make the event of thought self-renewing, in dissemination rather than toward centralization
-consider "intellectual property" an oxymoron

1 comment:

Erin Manning said...

• anyone can contribute an entry
• entry length may vary from a single sentence to an upper limit of 500 words
• the same author can contribute as many entries as he or she likes
• entries are included as submitted, unedited, and are credited in the author’s name
• contributors are asked to give each of their entries a Title.
• contributors are asked to suggest one or more links between their own entries, and between each of their entries and one or more entries by other authors
• Links should not be keywords, but rather short phrases that express a processual connection or evoke an affinity with another specific entry; their function is to suggest multiple operative and/or affinity-based pathways through the compendium, to give it a rhizomatic patterning
• additional navigation possibilities will be provided (full-text search, listing by author, listing by title, listing by entry category)